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3 projects which are the heart of our ambitions




"Excellence, internationalisation, new campuses, and innovation: you can be proud of the way your School has developed since your graduation. Today, as we continue our efforts and uphold our values, we are steering EDHEC towards a new dynamic: to be one of the top 20 business schools in Europe. Entrepreneurship, grant schemes, and developing the teaching of the future: these projects, which are at the heart of our shared ambitions, need your support now."
Olivier OGER, Dean of EDHEC Business School

EDHEC incubator: ensuring the success of young entrepreneurs

From the exploratory phase to the start-up phase, with all of the managerial training budding entrepreneurs require in between, the original format of the EDHEC Young Entrepreneurs incubator has been a resounding success: more than 600 jobs have been created and 80% of our incubated companies are a success at the three year milestone.
EDHEC faces ever-increasing demand for support and hopes to go from 90 to 180 incubated companies each year.

More info about the EYE incubator


EDHEC4ALL : an ambitious grant scheme

Academic excellence not based on social criteria has always been one of EDHEC’s core values. Your School currently supports 20% of its students through a grant scheme that has been renewed, offering tailored support to meet the needs of each student.
It is thanks to the support of our graduates and our partner companies that the EDHEC4All grant scheme can meet the needs of its students.


The teaching of the future: ever more effective and innovative

EDHEC is ceaselessly innovative when it comes to teaching to ensure the managers of the future are even better educated and prepared for the corporate world: from our exclusive e-learning BBA programme specially for elite athletes to the NewGen Talent Centre, which dissects the expectations of young graduates and facilitates their integration in employment, and a new laboratory that promotes innovation in teaching, there are many ongoing initiatives to ensure EDHEC remains among the leading institutes when it comes to teaching excellence, further strengthening the value of EDHEC diplomas.


>I would like to support EDHEC’s projects!!


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