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Nouvelles Cartes: an odyssey supported by EDHEC Alumni to explore the impact of climate change on the French coastline




We would like to thank the many graduates who took part in our call for projects with the aim of bringing together and supporting initiatives linked to environmental objectives. The EDHEC Alumni association is pleased to award the “Impact for the Planet” prize to the project put forward by Etienne Martin (EDHEC Master 2018) and Clara Dormart (EDHEC Master 2019).

Nouvelles Cartes, an initiative by Etienne and Clara’s association Vent Debout, proposes an unprecedented exploration of the French coastline.

On board a sailing boat, the team is taking on an audacious task: produce a 6-episode documentary to record the effects of climate change on our shores.

From the coast to islands and from farmland to sea cliffs, Vent Debout is looking at the many ways climate change is having an impact. The objective is clear: analyse the consequences for homes, biodiversity, the landscape and our coastal heritage.

Raise awareness of the effects of climate change

The project is about more than just observing. Central to their approach is to raise awareness among younger generations of the challenges inherent in the environmental transition and encourage them to take action. To achieve this, Vent Debout has teamed up with ADEME, France’s agency for the ecological transition, and will broadcast its documentary on, a website dedicated to the environment.

A call to act

Nouvelles Cartes is a call for mobilisation. By sharing their findings and encouraging people to take action, Etienne and Clara hope to help build a more sustainable future for our coastline.

Follow the Nouvelles Cartes adventure on their Instagram account

A project supported by EDHEC Alumni

The success of Nouvelles Cartes in the "Impact for the Planet" call for projects means that Etienne and Clara will receive a donation of €10,000 and support from EDHEC Alumni for one year.

The other two finalists, both with very promising projects, also deserve a mention:

"Casbah" by Grégoire Feuilly ( EDHEC Master 2017), which received the special mention of the jury, aims to empower inhabitants in the Lille Metropolitan area suffering from high energy prices by raising their awareness of climate-related issues and helping them to adapt their homes to heatwaves. This project involves inhabitants, construction professionals, researchers and local authorities in a process of collective reflection.

"Atelier plastique citoyen" by Arthur Chammas (EDHEC Master 2017) aims to experiment with a “citizens’ plastics workshop” in northern Sarthe. In collaboration with the Precious Plastic community, this initiative will develop the capabilities of citizens and encourage collaboration to better cope with the challenges of managing plastic waste.


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