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The digital transformation and the role of innovation in the retail and e-commerce sector




Conference jointly organized by the EDHEC Alumni strategic retail management club  & SALESFORCE on March 5th on EDHEC Lille campus.

Digital transformation is a key differentiator in the corporate world, and especially in the retail and e-commerce sector.

EDHEC Business School, which now trains the talents and players of this transformation, and its Strategic Retail management club have jointly organized with Salesforce, the leader in digital transformation, this round table with retail experts and business leaders settled in Nord-Pas-de-Calais:
- Eric Dubois – CEO of 3 Suisses
- Andre Tordjman - Founder of Little-Extra, professor of "Strategic Retail Management", formerly Marketing Director of Auchan
- Jacques Lorne – CEO of Quotatis, formerly Director of E-Commerce at Leroy Merlin
- Yves Puget  - Managing Editor of LSA magazine
- Anne Zuccarelli - Associate Dean for Corporate Development and Careers at EDHEC
- Jean-Philippe Baert  - EMEA Vice President of Marketing Cloud at Salesforce

"The companies have to find a balance between databases and the creativity of the product. Remember that the customer should be happy," said André Tordjman, founder of Little-Extra and Professor of Strategic Retail Management at EDHEC .

This event also marked the launch of the EDHEC Alumni Strategic Retail Management club.

Its goals are:
- Gather experts from Retail and E-commerce but also Marketing, Luxury and Sales around retail topics.
- Create a network to share, discover and anticipate the best retail strategies.
- Promote and support the careers of students and graduates in this sector.

Next events :
March 19th 2015 in Paris : Networking event at "l"Atelier des artistes"
April 13th 2015 in Lille : Meeting with Richard Simonin, CEO of Vivarte group
02 juillet 2015 à Paris :  Conférence : La transformation digitale et le rôle de l’innovation dans les secteurs du Retail et du E-Commerce

> Join the retail professionals and experts on our Linkedin group "EDHEC Strategic Retail Management"!

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