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ENTREPRENEURSHIP : interview with Bastien Dognin (GE 2004) and "Les paniers de Léa"




EDHEC Alumni: Can you explain in a few words how Les paniers de Léa first came about?

Bastien Dognin: The original idea came from a childhood friend, Olivier Hirel, who for 13 years had been working in an agricultural cooperative in the north of France. His work gave him insight into the flaws of the transactions being made on the fruit & veg market, for example carrots produced in the north but sold in the south and vice versa.
When he travelled to Canada, he realised that the sale of local fresh produce was much more developed than in France. So he suggested developing a concept for the sale of locally produced fruit & veg baskets in the Lille metropolitan area.
We quickly became aware that it was not an economic model suitable for a company. However, by delivering to employees at their place of work, we realised that a more practical offer of balanced nutrition was an expectation shared by many companies.
We now offer companies the delivery of fruit baskets, which are placed in staff rooms to provide team members with vitamins and healthy produce. We also offer packages for meetings, providing fruit and other local produce (Flemish waffles, local fruit juices, farm-produced yoghurts, etc.), as well as original on-site services that will surprise employees and generate a relaxed atmosphere, e.g. smoothie bars and fresh orange juice.
We have extended our business to the Paris region, where we have been making deliveries for the last six months and where we plan rapid expansion for 2014-2015.

4 years after it was first launched, what is your assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure?

BD: I have never regretted the initiative, although we faced some difficult challenges over the 4-year period before finding the right economic model. We worked really hard on logistics (preparing orders and deliveries), but in spite of the difficulties I always felt it was a good project and that we would find the right concept.
One thing is certain: entrepreneurship requires a lot of courage and a lot of humility. It is also extremely important to surround yourself with the right people. There are a lot of structures out there designed to help start-up entrepreneurs. I think it is essential to rely on their support. They have dozens of experts and entrepreneurs who played a very important role in our development.

EA: Have you had the opportunity at any time to benefit from the network of EDHEC graduates?

BD: I regularly benefit from the network of EDHEC graduates, but probably not enough. However, all the graduates I meet are curious to know more about our experience. A great many of them have offered me their help in the form of expertise or networking.

EA: What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?

BD: Always believe in the project, never give up and learn how to listen and collaborate with the right people. Entrepreneurship is like a never-ending emotional yo-yo. In a single day you can face the greatest of challenges and experience the greatest of satisfaction.

EA: What next for Les paniers de Léa?

BD: In the short term, we want to firmly establish the Paniers de Léa concept in Paris. Given current purchasing volumes, we also intend to set up a small purchasing unit after meeting directly with producers in the south of France and organic orange farmers from Spain with a view to offering produce from the best producers and further improving the traceability of our products.
We also want to work more on nutritional education. We have established partnerships with the Ligue contre le cancer and Fondation Cœurs et Artères with this in mind, but we have many other ideas about how to contribute to this issue. It takes time, however.
In May we also opened a Food Corner within a company. For the moment we see it as a test laboratory, but the idea would be to offer the concept of a living space centred on food in companies.

EA: What are your expectations in terms of the community of EDHEC graduates? 

For the time being, our main aim is to benefit from the EDHEC network so as to propose our concept to members’ companies if they agree that the well-being of staff can be nurtured through food. If graduates have any advice to offer us, it is always welcome of course, we are always willing to listen to a good idea. That is how we have expanded, and we will continue on the same path. 



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