This November, EDHEC, EDHEC Alumni and the Entrepreneurship Club invites you to four appointments. In Lille , Nice or Paris , enjoy our events to gain expertise and interact with entrepreneurs EDHEC group in your area.
1st Friday (it will be an exceptional Wednesday) CONTRACTORS "Workshop Fundraiser "
Come and hear three speakers address a workshop time
very practical for all your questions about the fundraiser.
Wednesday, November 6 from 8:00pm to 9:30pm
Location: Paris Campus EDHEC
Click here for more information and to register
Smart Class Business & Taxation
Friday, November 22 from 9:00 to 11:00
EDHEC Campus Paris
Click here for more information and to register
Entrepreneur Café No. 10 Nice: your dashboard !
Come talk about your business
and share best practices on your dashboard
preferred to drive your business , measure , define
and analyze its performance indicators.
Thursday, November 28 at 19:00
EDHEC Nice campus
Click here for more information and to register
Entrepreneur Café No. 10 Lille: on your dashboard !
Come talk about your business
and share best practices on your dashboard
preferred to drive your business , measure , define
and analyze its performance indicators.
Thursday, November 28 at 19:00
Campus EDHEC Lille
Click here for more information and to register
Join us on
or Linkedin : EDHEC Alumni Entrepreneurship Club

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