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EDHEC hosts the 10th edition of the Handi Day




This article was first publishded on the website - 10/12/2024 

EDHEC Business School held the 10th edition of the Handi Day on its Lille campus on Thursday 28 November 2024. This event, designed to raise awareness of handicap among students, was organised jointly by the Music’all student association, the student life team and the corporate relations team. Supported by corporate partners and student associations, the Handi Day highlighted numerous initiatives in favour of people with disabilities. 

Familiarising students with the subject of handicap

The Handi Day 2024 began with a round table on the subject of “speaking out and overcoming prejudices related to handicap”. Hager Jemel, Director of EDHEC’s Diversity & Inclusion Chair, hosted five participants for the round table, all experts in handicap issues in companies: Sandrine Maillard, Head of HR Development, National Inclusion & Diversity Officer, Coopérative U, Marlène Colombain, Handicap Project Manager, Clarins, Cédric Mercier, Handicap Officer, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, Marie-Hélène Dutrieux, Head of the ESAT Hauts de France handicap structure, Association APF, and Marie-Paule Lancial, employee at the Lys-Lez-Lannoy ESAT handicap structure (APF France Handicap).

One by one, the participants presented the specific features of their organisation’s corporate culture regarding the inclusion of employees with disabilities, as well as the actions taken to support them. Cendrine Maillard notably mentioned the handicap strategy deployed in the Coopérative U store chain, which notably comprises a specially-created group of persons specialised in mental health and trained to provide assistance to employees in need, together with measures to keep cancer sufferers in work.  

Presenting inclusive corporate policies

During the afternoon, 24 companies (up from 18 in 2023) and 14 student associations hosted stands in various areas of EDHEC’s campus to present their actions in the area of handicap.

Virginie Fleury, Handicap Project Manager at Inetum, gave students an insight into the philosophy driving her company’s handicap policy and associated measures: “At Inetum, all our staff are engaged with the issues of diversity and inclusion, not just those in the Handicap Project team. Our strategy is based on creating and multiplying opportunities to discuss the subject within the company. First of all, we raise awareness of handicap and train all our employees in the subject, through a variety of formats: in-person workshops, digital modules, play-based approaches such as escape games, and more classical methods. We also run a network of volunteer ambassadors who relay our actions and guide their colleagues towards the right people to talk to. Within each recruitment team, volunteers may also become handicap project correspondents, thereby facilitating the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities. Lastly, our senior management team takes part in various communication actions, particularly events, such as the Handitech Trophy, which is awarded to owners of tech projects benefiting handicapped persons.” 

For her part, Marlène Colombain took part in the Handi Day in order to explain to students the keys to understanding handicap: “At 20 – though it’s also true at any age – students might not have the references to fully understand the multiple facets of handicap. Thanks to the Handi Day conference or the round table organised by the Course Croisière EDHEC student association, which I had the chance to take part in, we explained the main keys needed for students to understand the subject. These events help to nurture a positive stance on difference and to develop respect towards people with disabilities. There was clearly a lot of interest in this subject, judging by the number of curious students that visited our stand. It’s therefore important to give them the keys to understanding the subject of handicap right now.” 

Obtaining the “Handicap & Inclusion” badge

For the second year running, EDHEC’s Diversity & Inclusion Chair offered students the chance to obtain the “Handicap & Inclusion” badge, a certificate that can add value to students’ profiles on professional social networks. To obtain the badge, students have to complete an online training module, answer quiz questions and interact with at least five companies present for the Handi Day.


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