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Sponsor your network on the latest EDHEC Online certificates!




EDHEC Online has just launched 3 Executive certificates (100% online) in English, starting at the end of June:

  • Corporate Finance, in 10 weeks
    Programme Director : Philippe Foulquier, PhD (Professor of Finance and Accounting at EDHEC Business School, Director of the EDHEC Value Creation Research Centre, Director of the EDHEC Executive MBA in Paris, Academic Director of the Finance Masters for the Apprenticeship programme)

  • Advanced Strategic Management, in 5 weeks (advanced level)
  • Strategic Analysis, in 5 weeks (intermediary level)
    Programme Director : Billy Salha, PhD (Professeur of Strategy at EDHEC Business School, Co-Director Advanced Management Programme EDHEC, CEO Fleury Michon)


During your time as a student at EDHEC Business School, you were able to benefit from its teaching. And so we now invite you to give those around you a chance to experience the same academic excellence. If you sponsor family members, friends or colleagues, they will receive a 10% reduction on the cost of their certification.

The current public health crisis gives us all a chance to undergo training or refresh our skills with these 3 new online certificates. Weekly follow-up sessions with a dedicated mentor are among the collaborative tools that enable participants to interact with their fellow learners so as not to lose sight of their link with the reality of the professional market.

In exchange for your sponsorship, you will receive sneak previews of the scheduling content for the EDHEC Online webinars and be given exclusive access to videos of the events in replay (usually reserved for EDHEC Online students).

So act now to give those in your network the chance to benefit from this alumni sponsorship offer by contacting Fabienne Boustane, International Admission Manager before 31 May, 2020: & +33 (0)6 16 01 79 32


Learn more about EDHEC Online on the website:

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