To boost your career, to pass between generations, to capitalize on your career path, to share your values and experiences, to exchange between cultures, to grow and grow, get involved! Participate in the STREAM (Share Transmit Reinforce EDHEC Alumni Mentoring) program. The program started with 20 pairs mentors / mentees on February 13 2014. The next session will be launched on February 12 2015.
Would you like to share your experience and join the next mentoring programme?
> Become a mentor by completing this questionnaire before 7th of february (for alumni graduated before 2011)
If you are a young alumni (graduated after 2011), please note that a specific questionnaire will be on-line on 7th of january.
Are you in a transitional phase in your professional life (retraining, start-up, career acceleration, moving abroad, new position, etc.) and would like the support of a mentor?
> Become a mentee by completing this questionnaire before 7th of February
If you are a student, please note that a specific questionnaire will be on-line on 12th of January.
Participating mentees are asked to make a contribution of €80 to cover some of the costs of running the programme. This money does not go to mentors, who act on a voluntary basis. Mentees also agree to offer their services as a mentor on a later programme.
The objective of the Mentoring programme is to make it easier for young (or not that young !) graduates to succeed in career transitions by putting them in touch with an experienced graduate who may have similar responsibilities or work in the same area or may have had a similar experience. Mentors are paired with their mentees during an event to launch the programme and then meet at least once monthly for a period of five months. The mentoring relationship is based on objectives that are predefined by the two graduates. In contrast to coaching, the Mentoring programme is about the two parties working together to develop a benevolent win-win relationship. Various tools, guides and training sessions are available to all participants to ensure a successful outcome.
To know more about the program, click here.

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