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The MBA and Executive MBA 2011 degree award ceremony chaired by Mario GUEVARA, CEO of BIC Group




Welcomed by Olivier OGER and Benoit ARNAUD, the Executive MBA and Full-time MBA Classes of 2011 were present in full regalia for the degree award ceremony held on the Lille campus, joined by their family, friends and, in some cases, their managers.

Before handing out the degrees, Mario Guevara spoke to the 108 new MBA graduates to share with them some of the managerial convictions acquired over the course of a successful international career, and as CEO of a global business.
Working from a list of 10 key tips, he discussed notions such as curiosity, flexibility and the ability to learn from one’s mistakes, as well as setting an example for the other members of staff... simple yet effective advice whose value the new graduates were well able to appreciate.

 “The integrity and responsibility of its leaders is a major success factor for a business. In a fast-changing and complex world, they need to make fair and pertinent decisions in cultures where they don’t always grasp all of the codes. They need to know how to listen and to learn anew in each new country,” Mario Guevara pointed out.
“In our MBA and Executive MBA programmes, we help future leaders to understand and manage the challenges inherent in globalisation. Above all, however, we help them to acquire strong managerial beliefs in order to successfully drive their organisations worldwide,” Benoit Arnaud added.
The new graduates then went up on the stage for the traditional hat toss celebration.

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