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The fight against sexual and gender-based violence, a core component of the start to the academic year for pre-master students




The main feature of the new school year at EDHEC is the day dedicated to the fight against Sexist and Sexual Violence. 

The aim of this day is to enable students to identify sexist and sexual harassment, to take appropriate action to prevent it and not to reproduce it, and to help others if violence occurs.  

After a round table on the construction of gender stereotypes, the students took part in a workshop based on a unique pedagogical device: "VSS: Act and Finish", developed by the Diversity and Inclusion Chair. 

This innovative device, which takes the form of a card game, received the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It reaches a wide audience, as Hager Jemel explains: "We designed this educational tool a year ago and we were able to quickly deploy it to a large number of participants. At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, we have exceeded 4,000 students trained, including the new BBA entrants who are also concerned by this seminar."


Divided into groups of seven, the students learned to link forms of SGB to legal definitions and concrete SGB situations, using realistic cases that could occur either in a student context, in public or private places or in the professional setting. The students were able to count on 55 speakers, trained by the Chair's team to facilitate exchanges within the groups and provide knowledge about this violence.

And to go even further, the Diversity and Inclusion Chair intends to develop this initiative for companies with an adapted version of the card game.


The Diversity and Inclusion Chair in a few words: 

Companies have never paid so much attention to the diversity of their employees (gender, sexual orientation, disability, ...) and often think they are much more "inclusive" than they actually are. 

Created in 2016, the Chair studies the impact of diversity and inclusion on the performance of the company and on the perception of its employees, by focusing its expertise on the inclusion of diversities: it carries out an ad hoc diagnosis and supports companies to accelerate this inclusion. 

Its mission: to use our academic expertise and our experience in the field to think and implement new methods, to imagine tools capable of advancing inclusion and equity and thus contribute to social justice. 

Its projects: 

  • The largest scientific study on Mentoring
  • Card game workshop: SSV, Act & Finish!
  • Partnership with the Club XXIème Siècle
  • Creation of the first scale to measure inclusive leadership style

For more information: Sandrine Pinto – Fondation


For any question about the EDHEC Foundation, please contact Sabine Courouble - +33 6 33 26 66 13

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