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Talent Identification & Career Development Programme: A great career booster




An EDHEC exclusive, the Talent Identification & Career Development Programme (TI&CD) is a real innovation that helps and prepares students for the international recruitment processes used by leading business organisations.

Unique in Europe, the TI&CD enables students to develop the managerial skills employers are looking for. In concrete terms this means that students get in-depth preparation for the different recruitment exercises used at international level: interviews, tests, group exercises, case studies… Sales Manager, Arnaud GALLAY (GE 2011), told us about his experience: “I was able to practice online tests of numeracy, verbal skills and logic, and to resolve case studies in a face-to-face setting. This meant that I was well prepared for the recruitment process at Procter & Gamble where I began my career.”

The TI&CD allows all students to assess their level in 10 key managerial skills, and to develop these skills in accordance with their chosen career. To this end, students benefit from the expertise of Career Consultants. Jérôme FRIZZERA-MOGLI (GE 1994), Senior Consultant at PERSONALIS, coaches students in the TI&CD programme: “The TI&CD enables young EDHEC talent to develop their career plan and the managerial skills required.” For him, the consultant provides added value by offering “tools that allow every individual to make the most of their assets.”

The tailored mentoring sessions are another strong point of the TI&CD. They allow the students to “develop more quickly and effectively, and to grow their professional network,” Gautier VILLIAUME (GE 2005), Trade Marketing Director at Procter & Gamble in Geneva, and TI&CD mentor, told us. “There’s no doubt that this unique programme helps Edhec students to kickstart their career!” he added.

The TI&CD helps students to be successful in the first job they apply for and to find themselves in the best possible conditions to do their job well! That’s why the TI&CD is a true career booster, enabling young graduates to move on quickly in their new job.

Read more about the TI&CD

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