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Specialise in data with the new EDHEC Online MSc




The range of EDHEC Online MSc courses is being extended in May 2021 with the MSc in Data Management and Business Analytics, just a few months after the launch of the MSc in International Business Management. This 100% online programme is a gateway into a sector enjoying rapid growth, with teaching content focused on business objectives and placing the careers of candidates at the heart of their educational journey.

A sector burgeoning with professional opportunities

Today’s businesses are eager to recruit Data Scientists, Metrics & Analytics Specialists and Market Intelligence Specialists. These professions emerged a few years ago in response to the significant growth of data and can be expected to evolve steadily in line with the market. Current staff are planning their future missions, which is why it is so important to acquire the baggage of these promising careers as soon as possible. EDHEC Business School has moved quickly to reflect the upheaval of society through technology, so it can prepare hybrid young professionals with knowledge of both business mechanisms and analytical tools. The MSc in Data Management and Business Analytics is an 18-month course that introduces students to the most recent principles in data science and artificial intelligence, with the chance to put them directly into practice as part of a 6-month internship (depending on professional experience already acquired), and thereafter in a future rich with career prospects. So broaden your horizon and the influence of our EDHEC Alumni community!

Tangible and pragmatic course content

The foundation of the EDHEC Online MSc in Data Management and Business Analytics curriculum, taught entirely in English, includes classes with emeritus professors on topics as varied as databases, digital transformation, leading innovation, statistics and programming in R. Elective modules give students the chance to master Python or delve into ethics and responsibility, but it is really your choice between the two specialisations that will determine your objectives. By choosing Financial Analytics, you will develop your machine learning and risk management skills, particularly in the banking and insurance sectors. If you opt for Business Analytics, you will benefit from a broad understanding of the supply chain and customer intelligence as part of a more strategic path: learn all there is to know about tech in healthcare or legal professions, for example!

Progress is evaluated through exercises, quizzes and case studies, as well as both individual and collective participation. The Alliance FOME platform will give you access to online resources produced by the world’s most prestigious business schools.

Highly detailed career support

Support is one of the pillars of EDHEC Online pedagogy. Coaching and interactive virtual classes are a considerable plus when it comes to the personal and professional development of candidates. This new MSc is the only one to include CAREERpath, an individual coaching programme intended for all future students on the course. Five group workshops and four individual sessions will be held as part of a tailored career plan. At the end of the course, you will be in a position to map out the professions that match your strengths and skills in a competitive international environment. And let’s not forget the importance of networking, which you will find highly useful with the 47,000 members of the EDHEC Alumni community as well as your other circles. Let’s continue to optimise our sector-specific networks, one of the School’s proudest achievements!

Webinar presenting the MSc in Data Management and Business Analytics will be held on 30 April at 12:30pm.

All of the EDHEC Online offers can be found on our official website EDHEC graduates (from all programmes) get a 25% discount on EDHEC Online diploma courses.

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