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Sébastien Duquest (EDHEC 1996) : nominee for the Socially Responsible Organisation award of 2015




Sébastien Duquet, EDHEC Master 1996, Managing Director of ResponsAbility France

Sébastien Duquet (1996 EDHEC graduate) cut his teeth while working at Andersen / Ernst & Young, in the audit and transaction advisory services (TAS), particularly in the banking business, and concluded his financial education by obtaining a diploma in accounting and financial studies (DESCF).
Ever since his graduation, Sébastien has been passionate about responsible financing. He then discovered microfinance while carrying out a project of restructuration of the banking sector in Madagascar, and decided to get in contact with the market's forerunners, starting a volunteering collaboration with PlaNet Finance, founded in 1999 by Jacques Attali.

In 2002, Sébastien, then head of E&Y, decided to move with his family to Morocco and launch PlaNet Finance Maroc, which supports the local development of microfinance. As a result of PlaNet Finance Maroc's success, the project was taken to many other countries such as Egypt, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon to which Sébastien devoted his full-time in 2004. In November of 2005, he was appointed managing director of PlaNet Finance and moved back to France.

During the following 4 years, he developed the activities of the NGO, especially in Africa (Senegal, Mali, Madagascar, South Africa), where microcredit had not been developed yet. He then founded PlaNet Guarantee (aiming to develop microfinance) and FinanCités (a microcapital solidarity risk company, investing in microcompanies in sensitive urban areas in France). In September 2009, he decided to focus exclusively on PlaNet's Finance activity of fund management in microfinance and Fair trade, launching the company PlaNis which joined ResponsAbility in February 2011.

ResponsAbility is an asset manager, global leader in impact investment in developing countries and the first investor in microfinance and Fairtrade in the world. ResponsAbility manages 2.6 billion USD of funds invested in 535 companies based in more than 93 countries in the world, mainly in microfinance, fair trade, renewable energies and independent media. ResponsAbility's investment concept is to aim at sectors and companies offering services that enable the economic and social development of unprivileged populations in developing countries.

Sébastien takes part in numerous conferences and teaches EDHEC students on the subjects of microfinance and fair trade.

> To go further:

The award

Established in 2011, this award recognizes an EDHEC graduate for an outstanding career and his/her social and/or economic impact within an organization/NGO or social enterprise. He/she may be an entrepreneur in the field of social economy. This association/NGO or company has citizenship and social and environmental responsibility at the heart of its business values. Open to the world, it advocates active solidarity.

Within this entity, this EDHEC :
- Plays a prominent role and has contributed greatly to the development of this association/NGO or social enterprise
- Can be successfully materialized and a major project, impacting socially and/or economically.

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