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Read all the Learning Pills: Creativity and Leadership




EDHEC Alumni launched the Learning Pills last year: a quick and easy tool to improve your entrepreneurial and innovation skills and boost your career!

The concept
Pursue your training throughout your career with the help of experts, but without sacrificing work hours or your personal time. And it won’t cost you a penny. With Learning Pills, you decide when to expand your knowledge.

The format
Three emails, each containing a video and articles selected by our experts. You will receive one weekly email and are free to decide when to study the chosen topic. At the end of the 3-week “e-training” period, an event involving the Learning Pills author will be held at our Paris campus to further develop the topic and give participants the chance to exchange views.

"De la créativité fantasmée à la créativité opérationnelle"
by Catherine Champeyrol, Associate Director at BEAUTEMPS

Learning Pill n°1 : La créativité, des stéréotypes à déverrouiller
Learning Pill n°2 : Favoriser le processus de créativité en équipe
Learning Pill n°3 : A chaque entreprise sa culture créative


"Développer son charisme et son leadership de transformation"
by Valérie Petit Teacher in Management and Leadership at EDHEC Business School

Learning Pill n°1 : Élever notre niveau de leadership
Learning Pill n°2 : Développer son leadership transformationnel
Learning Pill n°3 : Transformer le leadership dans les entreprises



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