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Professor Florencio Lopez de Silanes decorated with the insignia of Knight of the Legion of honour




On September 22, Professor Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Professor of Finance and Economics at EDHEC Business School, was awarded the insignia of Knight of the Legion of honour by Professor Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, President of the French Circle of Economists.

Florencio Lopez de SilanesBorn in Mexico in 1966, Professor Lopez-de-Silanes arrived in France in 2005. He was professor at Harvard and then at Yale before he joined EDHEC a few years later. Today, he teaches International Corporate Governance, while at the same time working on his new project concerning asset management and the impact of governance regulations on funds performance and their risks.

This acknowledgement  of merit for Professor Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes is a great honour for the whole of EDHEC Business School, its students and professors, and notably for the research teams in Finance and Economics. Thanks to the exceptional quality of research work conducted by these teams, EDHEC has created 10 research chairs in finance in recent years and is the school most often mentioned for its research work by the economics and business press in continental Europe. This success story is evidently linked to exceptional talent, as Professor Lopez-de-Silanes clearly illustrates.


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