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Plan your digital professional mobility journey, with a solidarity price




If 2022 is the year of the skills assessment and the career transition? The Career Centre for life thinks about you and we are keen on your well-being and offer you the possibility to do a digital professional mobility journey, adviced for alumni with more than three years professional experience.

Akeen has been selected as a partner for its accessible user experience, the possibility to enhance the professional project with due regard to confidentiality. During your journey, you have access to a Chat, that allows you to ask your questions to a coach. You also have access to specific trainings. This is an opportunity to revisit your skills, your personality, including feedbacks from friendly and benevolent persons on your resume and your skill sets, with ONE TARGET : succeed in your professional project as an employee or an entrepreneur in a short or medium term.

Click on this link or copy it in your browser: 

The 7-stage journey lasts 3 to 4 hours. The recording is automatic. It is recommended to register on a browser other than Internet Explorer.

Solidarity price of 95€ instead of 150€ (EDHEC Alumni do not receive any commission from the selected partners)


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