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OTHERWISE n°3 is now online !




This third edition of the EDHEC business magazine focuses on the theme of “Gaining a Sense of Direction”

“Being where it is least expected to be” is one of EDHEC’s hallmarks. With OTHERWISE, the first magazine focusing on international businesses and the global economy as seen by a French business school, EDHEC reasserts its mission of transmitting knowledge and enriching public debate by delivering training and research that is useful for the economy and those that drive it.

OTHERWISE seeks to offer a vision unrestrained by the established framework and codes, to provide a fresh perspective on business subjects, and to unearth success stories and unconventional experiences.


The overall theme of this third edition – Gaining a sense of direction (in your career) – is dealt with in three main sections:

OTHERBUZZ: a review of five continents that identifies trends
• The effects of interest-free loans on property prices.
• 5 measures to turn around France .
• The French touch: Parrot and his drones.

OTHERWAYS: interviews, reports and debates with leading personalities who are fashioning the world of tomorrow
• Re-writing history in France’s National Archives.
• Interview with Emmanuelle Guilbart, joint founder of About Premium Content.
• Cirque du Soleil, a fine success story.
• Round table with John Mulvey (Princeton) and Lionel Martellini (EDHEC).

OTHERNEWS: Live from EDHEC Business School’s campuses.
• The incubator at the heart of the campuses.
• Graduate Programmes: Do they live up to their promises?



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