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Nurturing the talents of the future!




The year 2016 not only heralds a new phase in the EDHEC 2020 strategy, it also marks the end of the Rising Talents campaign which began in 2010. Let’s take a look back: our objectives were to raise €20 million in five years, double the size of our grant programme, launch our new campuses, and improve the school’s rankings. Each of these has been achieved! We will soon be taking a look back in more detail at these successes, at all of the new programmes launched or developed with the support of our alumni and corporate partners, as well as those that exceeded all expectations like the incubator. Thank you!

Things are taking shape but we need to increase our momentum to reflect our far-reaching ambitions for 2020. Your support will be needed more than ever. Have you already contributed? Then spread the word, let’s increase our numbers! And if you haven’t yet joined the movement, jump on board and support our future successes!


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