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My life in prépa: a look at those studying to enrol in management schools




Preparatory courses leave no-one indifferent. Often described as the best training available in France’s higher education, or alternatively criticized as years of cramming that deny students of all critical perspective, they deserve so much better than these stereotypes.
But who are the students on preparatory courses? Are they any different from their peers? What is their real-life experience of this phase of their education? What are their talents and how do they hope to have an impact on the business world? When it comes to making their post-baccalaureate choices on Parcoursup, parents and students alike will find plenty of food for thought in this new study by the EDHEC NewGen Talent centre de quoi alimenter leur réflexion et éclairer leurs choix.


“Far from the clichés of uniform youths toiling away, the students on preparatory courses proved to be diverse, moderate and audacious. During this phase of their education, they continue to invest in their extracurricular activities and develop behavioural qualities that are essential for their subsequent careers. Their confidence for the future and positive vision of the workplace does not alter their critical mindset or their desire to have an impact on the business world in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling.”

Manuelle MALOT
Director, EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre

Click here to download the study (available in French only)

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