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EDHEC wishes you all the best for 2018




Dear Alumnus,

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my best wishes for the New Year. I hope 2018 proves to be a rewarding year for you, both professionally and personally, and a happy and successful one for those near to you as well.

For EDHEC, I am looking ahead to a productive year, rich in new projects anchored in our three founding values of innovation, impact and engagement.

During the year, we will be leveraging our strengths to lift EDHEC’s standing further and cement the status of our programmes among the best in Europe. You already know that for the last two years the Financial Times has ranked us 14th among business schools in Europe and 3rd in France. And in 2017, the FT also ranked our Master in Finance top worldwide and the School as the best in France for entrepreneurship through our MBA. For the last 15 years, EDHEC’s ambition has been to carve out a position among the top tier of business schools in our areas of expertise. More generally, these rankings underline the School’s excellence and the demanding standards it sets in all areas. It is our responsibility to continue these efforts, in tandem with you, our students, our professors and our corporate and institutional partners.

Looking beyond the rankings, my ambition for the School and our students goes beyond the rankings. We are working on an in-depth transformation geared to making their experience at EDHEC unique in a way that benefits and inspires them over the long term and throughout their career. This goal is encapsulated by three development priorities all of which we intend to accelerate:
- EDHEC’s internationalisation, whether in terms of programmes, tuition or student life,
- digitalisation and, at a later stage, artificial intelligence, embracing all facets of our activity,
- communication, focused on raising the School’s profile and promoting EDHEC, your brand, all over the world, where it deserves to be.

Many of you have invested time and effort at our sides in promoting the EDHEC brand, through a variety of actions that inject life into the Edhec alumni network on a day-to-day basis and which support our shared ambitions for the School’s educational project. I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your contributions.

I also look forward to your continuing engagement at our sides in what promises to be an exciting year in 2018 and one that is set to open a fresh chapter in the School’s development.

And lastly, may I once again wish you every success with all your professional and personal projects during 2018.

Best regards,

Pr Emmanuel MÉTAIS, PhD

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