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More than 7900 students headed back to school !




More than 7900 students headed back to school this week on our campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore.

Hailing from countries as diverse as China, India, United States, Canada, Russia and Spain, our new students head to their EDHEC campus every day to pursue their chosen studies: EDHEC or EDHEC BBA of course, but also one of the 12 MSc or executive training programmes available.

Business games and Coop Tour for our pre-Masters students, Parc Phoenix and buddy days for those in Nice... opportunities for our students to face the new academic year in relaxed surroundings and as a team. The EDHEC BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration) this year sees its first class of students specialising in Management Studies and Global Business, as well as the first BBA in International Management programme with a foreign language. 

Each programme marks the start of the academic year in its own way: official introductions to programme directors and section and departmental heads help each new student to understand how EDHEC works, followed by roundtable discussions with guest speakers, lessons on the fundamentals, TOEIC and business games.

These day events also gave the sports department the chance to present the available classes to interested students.

As for the 720 international students, they were welcomed by staff at the International Student Office during a dedicated three-day period before the academic year officially started and before they joined their classmates.

And to complete the opening of this academic year, the families of first-year students on the EDHEC Masters and BBA programmes will be welcomed to the Lille campus on Saturday 24 September and to the Nice campus on 30 September for an introduction to the School: around 1500 people are expected to attend. “This event will be an opportunity to present EDHEC to parents, outlining its strategy and specific features, its objectives, its teaching approach and its projects. It will also be a chance for them to chat with professors and other staff members. They are entrusting us with their children so we can educate them, help them develop and prepare them to succeed when they enter the job market. We are delighted to welcome them to campus and give them an insight into what their children can expect during their years at EDHEC.” 


EDHEC today, it's :

  • 5 campus : Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapo(
  • 7 000 students in initial training
  • 20 degree programs : BBA, Master in Management, Masters of Science, MBAs, PhD.
  • Over 30 000 graduates in 125 countries
  • 156 tenured professors, 810 part-time teachers
  • 13 research and teaching chairs 
  • A budget of 121,5 M€
  • 20 million euros in R&D, of which 15 million abroad


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