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Let's support Ukrainian students and young people weakened by the crisis in Europe




Education is a right as well as an instrument of freedom.

The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict in Europe reminds us powerfully of the importance of our mission. Education is the foundation of a society and guarantees its cohesion. It allows each person to understand, to judge for themselves and to counterbalance the authority of the opinion of others.

The young generation is discovering that peace in Europe is no longer a certainty. Only a few months after having seen their dreams for the future cut short by the health and economic crisis, they see the economic balance and growth of our countries being destabilized. Once again, they will be made vulnerable, especially those from modest backgrounds.

Today, we must be as committed as ever to embodying the humanist values through which EDHEC trains the leaders of tomorrow.


In very concrete terms, our school:

  • Will open its campuses to 50 Ukrainian students through the Special Ukraine Assistance Fund, regardless of the host program 
  • Extend the use of the Emergency Fund created at the time of the health crisis to all students who have been affected by this situation, 
  • Expand the EDHEC For All programme by launching 30 new impact scholarships at the beginning of the new school year, covering at least 50% of the tuition fees for the most disadvantaged students, 

Your donation is essential to help us make a positive impact.

Today, we need you to collect the €250,000 needed to set up this large-scale system.

And because it is urgent to mobilize, the EDHEC Alumni association has chosen to participate actively in this campaign. For each donation that our graduates make before April 10, 2022, EDHEC Alumni will match the same amount.


We thank you warmly for your support. We know we can count on you. 

Yours sincerely,

Emmanuel Métais, Dean, EDHEC Business School
Geoffroy Sardin, President, EDHEC Alumni, EDHEC 93
Anne Guillon, Director, EDHEC Foundation, EDHEC 90

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