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L’Ombre et la Plume: let’s act together to facilitate the reintegration of inmates




For 25 years the association L’Ombre et la Plume has been committed to the reintegration of inmates and raising awareness about incarceration. Run by the collective efforts of around 30 members each year, it works on the ground to achieve a powerful mission: “using the quill to leave behind the shadows”. »

Why choose this mission?

In France, around 40% of inmates become repeat offenders within five years of their release (source: INSEE). The lack of career prospects is one of the major causes. L’Ombre et la Plume accompanies inmates on their reintegration journey, providing them with the tools and help they need to envisage a more peaceful future.

Concrete initiatives on the ground

The association works with both adult and minor inmates in 4 penitentiary facilities in the Hauts de France region, in Quiévrechain, Arras, Haubourdin and Sequedin, as well as the prison in Nice. Their work involves:

  • Administrative assistance and moral support for inmates.
  • Activities and debates to encourage openness and reflection.
  • Practical workshops such as cooking, writing and painting.
  • The Inmate forum, a flagship event that helps young inmates develop a reintegration plan.

Powerful human impact

For the last 3 years, we have been running the “Inmate forum”. It's organised like a “Student forum” but targets around 30 minor inmates at the EPM in Quiévrechain. After the event, participants are given a “reintegration booklet” containing various advice on how to prepare for their release (with training courses covered during the forum and other tips on administrative procedures).

This forum has been one of our greatest successes in recent years, and we have had the chance to talk with some inmates about their participation. One of them told us, “the others will never tell you this because they wouldn't dare, but what you are doing for us is really a big help”. That in itself makes us believe we have succeeded and that we must continue to develop this project.

L'Ombre et la Plume is also a highly enriching human and professional adventure for all the association members. We are exposed to an unfamiliar environment and learn to adapt to the needs of inmates to offer them the most effective help along their journey. We learn to work as a close-knit team on a project built on inclusion and solidarity.

How can people help the association?

L’Ombre et la Plume needs support to continue its initiatives. Here are some upcoming events:

  • Launch of an online fundraiser in late November with a target of €3000.
  • Another Inmate forum will be held at the EPM in Quiévrechain in February
  • Awareness-raising project for secondary school pupils 
  • Conference at EDHEC about the world of incarceration
  • Prison workshops: cooking, painting, dough-making, writing, etc.
  • Pancake sale and collection of clothes and toiletries for minor inmates.
  • We will also be continuing our regular projects: articles, podcasts, talking to minors, helping adults with their reintegration, “film debates” in prisons, etc.

As an EDHEC graduate, you can contribute in many ways:

  • Make a donation to the fundraiser to support our work on the ground.
  • Become a partner to strengthen the association's impact.
  • Spread the word about our project to raise awareness of incarceration.


Find out more:

Together, let’s make a difference! 🌟

Contribute to the fundraiser to support L'Ombre et la Plume


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