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Julie Chapon (class of 2011) among France’s most influential women

EDHEC in the press



In an article about 40 French women who “count in 2019”, Forbes lists women who embody excellence, the future and a passion for entrepreneurship. So it is no surprise to find that it includes Julie Chapon (EDHEC 2011), co-founder and head of communication at Yuka, the app that allows users to scan food products and cosmetics to learn more about their ingredients. 

Femmes Forbes : Les 40 Françaises qui comptent en 2019


Les Echos Start, meanwhile, takes a look at the careers of the youngest women to feature in the list, placing Julie in the category of entrepreneurs and pointing out that supermarket chain Intermarché recently announced it would be changing the ingredients in 900 of its own brand products within a year and a half, removing more than 140 additives. 

Les Echos Start : Qui sont les Françaises de moins de 35 ans les plus influentes ? 



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