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Interview with Rémi Lenglart, founder of Stardrum.




Interview with Rémi Lenglart, founder of Stardrum.

  • Can you explain how your company came about (idea, concept, etc.)?

In 2010 I spent a year living in a self-sufficient community in Australia, where I learnt a lot about permaculture and how to live more in harmony with nature. That’s where I was first introduced to the Hang, a magical instrument that I tried to get my hands on as soon as I returned to France … but it proved to be too expensive and rare for me to acquire one. So I started looking for something similar in terms of sound quality, for an alternative that would be accessible to all and respectful of the environment: the Stardrum.

  • What motivates you in this entrepreneurial adventure? 

My business allows me to support an environmental cause that is dear to me: the instruments I produce are made from recycled gas canisters. Cutting the canisters and finding the right thickness is fastidious work that results in the Stardrum, a melodic star-shaped percussion instrument with 9 notes and a soothing, relaxing sound.

The Stardrum is also such an intuitive instrument that anyone who picks it up can become a musician: it is a real delight every day to see children in awe, adults who have never been musical returning to their childhood as they play, to play at concerts and during meditations, and to share the basics of intuitive music in workshops!

  • How did the EDHEC incubator help you with the launch and development of your company? 

In late 2015, with the support of ADIE (Association Droit Initiative Economique) in Lille, I was at a conference when I learnt about EDHEC’s Cordées de l’entrepreneuriat programme.

The EDHEC incubator liked the Stardrum project, which was invited to join the support scheme: I was fortunate enough to receive the help of two students doing a Masters in Entrepreneurship at EDHEC for 4 months and to receive the EDHEC Young Entrepreneur of the year award in May 2016.

Being part of the network of EDHEC entrepreneurs gave me the opportunity to meet my associate, Chanthavy (EDHEC GE 2015), whose musical, communicational and strategic skills enabled Stardrum to move up to the next level.

  • What is your initial assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure?

Apart from many wonderful encounters and invaluable support, this adventure has allowed me to develop an incredibly wide range of skills. Just making instruments is not enough: I have learned how to communicate (on and off line), negotiate, teach music, perform on stage, run in-house seminars for companies, create music, record albums and much more.

  • What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates (fundraising, looking for staff, partners, advice, etc.)?

If you like the project, feel free to suggest synergies with your own activities. Just follow the Facebook page and send me a message!

  • What’s next for your company?

We are currently streamlining and cleaning up the manufacturing process, and Stardrum will be busy with a crowdfunding campaign until 27 June on the Tudigo platform. 
All publicity or helping hands most welcome!


More info (social networks, website, etc.):



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