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Intel France Challenges EDHEC and ENSAM Students




Course in key account management, part of EDHEC’s MSc in Marketing, plays host to Stéphane Negre, Country Manager of Intel France.

The objective of this course, delivered in partnership with ENSAM (Arts & Métiers) is to familiarise students with the major long-term phases in the development of a key international account in a BtoB (business to business) setting. It examines in particular the relationships between the marketing and research and development departments of a single company and their contribution to the creation of added value.

The course has more than one hundred students from the two schools. The diversity of these students, of 21 different nationalities, is an excellent hub of discussions, experiences, and cultures that add a distinctly international dimension to the real cases studied.

It is against this backdrop that Stéphane Negre with Adrien Rendu (EDHEC 2012), retail marketing manager, led the 18 October class session. Mr. Negre’s presentation dealt with the Intel Inside strategy and its positioning, ever more highly correlated with the growth of the market for smartphones and tablet computers, with the 2012 launch of Intel’s first microprocessor for smartphones. In addition to the talk, there were R&D workshops led by ENSAM professors.

24 teams of five to six students each thus worked on ways to reposition Intel’s strategy for this new segment.

At the end of the class session, the winning team presented its findings and recommendations to the class, to EDHEC and ENSAM professors, and to Stéphane Negre. In early 2013, in Meudon, the winners will also have the chance to present their recommendations to the executive committee of Intel France. This new version of the course was designed in April 2012 by Jean-Pierre Dolait, head of the marketing course at EDHEC, with the enthusiastic help of the administrations of both schools. It is a shared course with a total of 126 students, 100 from EDHEC and 26 from ENSAM.

50x70-stephane-negre-hd_70“For us it was an excellent experience. For a company like Intel, ‘bridging’ technology and marketing is what we do every day, and being able to talk to students was an extraordinary opportunity. I was really impressed by the work on the Intel case and surprised by the relevance of the points brought up by the winning team. We will be delighted to welcome them to Meudon at one of our coming committee meetings.” Stéphane Negre, Country Manager of Intel France

50x70-caroline-dana_70“As part of the key account management course, we had the chance to meet Stéphane Negre, country manager of Intel France. To learn about this company, Professor Dolait had given us a case study where we had to think about the recommendations we could give the company to consolidate its presence in the European market. This experience was very beneficial because it gave us a chance to discover Intel from inside. We also had a glimpse of the career opportunities with Adrien Rendu, a recent EDHEC graduate.” Caroline Dana, EDHEC MSc in Marketing Student

50x70-aude-catimel_70“When Pr. Dolait gave us the opportunity to work on a real and concrete case involving Intel, our team did not hesitate. I didn’t actually know much about Intel beforehand, even though I see the brand every day. During the meeting at ENSAM we heard that our team was selected and that we had to give a presentation in front of many students and in front of the president of Intel France. At that moment, it was quite stressful but above all a very exciting and challenging experience. And the president of Intel France, Stéphane Negre, just naturally came after our presentation to congratulate us and to debate on the points raised.” Aude Catimel, EDHEC MSc in Marketing Student

December 21, 2012


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