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General Meeting EDHEC Alumni: THE RESULTS!




On 15 January 2013, the following members were elected to sit on the EDHEC Alumni Board:

VINCENT CHENEY (GE 1980) with 507 votes
SEBASTIEN APPLEBY (GE 1994) with 427 votes
GREGOIRE BEAURAIN (GE 1996) with 418 votes
ESTELLE BRETEZ (GE 2010) with 354 votes
ANNE-SOPHIE DE GABRIAC (GE 1995) with 332 votes
STEPHANE MICHALON (GE 1981) with 310 votes
BERTRAND DUSAUSOY (GE 1968) with 300 votes
LUCAS SERVANT (GE 2013) with 294 votes
JEAN HOUZE DE L'AULNOIT (MSc 2007) with 276 votes

View the presentation made during the elections, the Business report and the Financial report.

There were 993 votes on line and 21 votes at the AGM. With the proxies, there were 1018e votes in total.
The EDHEC Alumni team’s 2011/2012 activities were approved by a large majority.
Approval for the business report received an approval rating of 97.56% (resolution 1), and the financial report financier (resolution 2) received an approval rating of 96.86%.
Ratification for the committee members’ activities was 96.86% (resolution 3) and the results were passed by a majority vote of 97.56% (resolution 4).
There were many alumni from the executive MBA programme, the AMP programme, the Paris apprenticeship programme and from among the young grads.
We would like to thank all the candidates who fought an excellent campaign, helping EDHEC Alumni to come to life for all the alumni.



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