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Financial Times 2024 World Ranking of master’s in finance: EDHEC moves up 3 places to 6th in the world




This article was originally published on - 18/06/2024 

EDHEC has confirmed its leading position in international finance education. It is ranked 6th worldwide in the Financial Times 2024 master’s in finance ranking among more than 50 institutions.

Following its excellent performance in the ranking of the best European business schools, EDHEC has once again made a name for itself in a list published by the Financial Times. In its ranking of the best master’s in finance 2024, published on 17 June 2024, the British daily newspaper ranked EDHEC 6th in the world. EDHEC has moved up 3 places in one year. "This positive trend highlights EDHEC's ongoing efforts to offer innovative and professional finance programmes based on high-quality, relevant teaching. This impressive rise in the Financial Times rankings reflects our commitment to constantly developing our programmes to meet the needs of the financial industry", says Emmanuel Jurczenko, Executive Director of Finance Programmes at EDHEC.
In addition to its master’s in management, EDHEC offers the richest portfolio of Masters of Science specialising in finance in France (MSc in International Finance, MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking, MSc in Financial Engineering, MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance, and MSc in Accounting Finance).

EDHEC is also at the forefront of sustainable finance, a theme at the heart of its research and its GENERATIONS 2050 strategic plan.

The Financial Times master’s in finance 2024 ranking highlights several pillars of the student experience: international experience, career support and the services of the Alumni network.

3rd in the world for international experience

The Financial Times ranks EDHEC's master’s in finance 3rd in the world for 'International course experience' (up 3 places on 2023). This criterion considers internships or exchanges of at least one month in countries other than the one in which the school is based. EDHEC offers many opportunities to study or do an internship abroad. It offers 21 double degrees and strategic alliances and has nearly 200 prestigious partner universities.

3rd in France on the Career service and Alumni network criteria 

Evaluated by graduates, the 'Career service' criterion measures the effectiveness of the schools' career guidance service in terms of support, personal development, organisation of networking events, internship searches and recruitment. EDHEC is ranked 3rd in France, up 3 places on the 2023 ranking. Recognised for the excellence and personalisation of its services (80% of services are individualised), EDHEC's Career centre has developed the EDHEC Career Booster, a specific support programme that helps students to define and achieve their professional goals. It organises over 120 events a year, including Finance Career Days, an Assessment Centre for over 3,500 students, London Treks and Finance Recruitments Days, to help students find the internship and job that match their career aspirations and employers' expectations. The Career Centre also offers 60,000 internships and 33,500 jobs every year. 43% of the school’s finance graduates work abroad (placement stats 2023).  

EDHEC also moved up 3 places in the 'Alumni network' criterion. It is ranked 3rd in France (up 3 places on 2023). Evaluated by graduates, this criterion assesses the effectiveness of the alumni network in terms of career opportunities, business creation, recruitment and career events. Students join the EDHEC Alumni association as soon as they enter EDHEC, an international community with 57,000 members in 140 countries.   

To find out more about finance at EDHEC, discover the new edition of EDHEC Vox devoted to sustainable finance.   

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