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EDHEC ranked 3rd best School at satisfying its graduates!




L'Express L'Etudiant recently published its rankings for schools that provide most satisfaction to their graduates in terms of alumni networks. Out of the 35 schools in contention, EDHEC was ranked 3rd.

Welcome recognition for EDHEC Alumni and its graduates, who, each year, do their utmost to offer members an ever-increasing range of options to develop their business and boost their career, but above all to come together with the same enthusiasm that is so apparent in today’s students. EDHEC Alumni is extremely proud of its track record, regularly ranked among the best, and would like once again to thank the 30,000 talented individuals for their ongoing enthusiasm and involvement in the community. 

Extract from L’Express L’Etudiant: "EDHEC stands out through its excellent network. Although on a smaller scale than its Parisian counterparts, it boasts one of the most active and lively alumni networks. EDHEC Alumni offers graduates a host of services: professional clubs (more than 20), dedicated spaces for entrepreneurs, career advice for alumni, job offers and many other services designed to boost their professional successes. A high-quality network praised by its graduates."

See full ranking table


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