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EDHEC experts gets involved in businesses innovation and public debate




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"Thanks to this EDHEC content platform, you will have access to the views, analysis and recommendations of EDHEC experts on topical and relevant issues for key decision-makers in the fields of economics, law, ethics, management, marketing, strategy, etc. EDHECVox is in line with EDHEC strategy which, thanks to the research conducted by the EDHEC faculty and experts, is about taking part in public debate, developing the critical-thinking capacity of citizens and getting involved in businesses innovation. By offering exclusive content and innovative formats, the platform contributes to the dissemination of knowledge initiated by EDHEC in order to make it accessible and useful to all. We thus have the ambition of engaging in a valuable exchange with you"

Christophe Roquilly, PhD, Associate Dean for Faculty and Research.



  - « Emballage des produits sains pour enfants : du vert oui, mais surtout pas trop ! »
Par Joëlle Vanhamme, Professeur de Marketing et MSc en Marketing, EDHEC Business School.
[Lire l'article]



  -“Who benefits from cyber-attacks?”
Impact in Media, Management des risques criminels, Sujets d'actualité, Strategy series
By Philippe Very, Head of faculty and Professor - Strategy, EDHEC Business School.
[Lire l'article]


  - « Rémunération des patrons, vision de Frédéric Palomino analysé par Usine Nouvelle. »
Impact in Media, Strategy series 
Par Frédéric Palomino, Professeur d'économie, Pôle de recherche en Economie
[Lire l'article]



  - « Deux professeurs de l'edhec expliquent comment dépoussiérer l'enseignement de la stratégie ». Impact in Media, Strategy series 
Par Ludovic Cailluet, Professeur, Strategic Management & Business History, Family Business Center et Philippe Very, Professeur de Stratégie, EDHEC Business School
[Lire l'article]



  - Bertrand monnet raconte son reportage sur les narcotraficants bresiliens sur arte » 
Impact in Media, Management des risques criminels
Par Bertrand Monnet, Directeur de la Chaire Management des risques criminels, EDHEC Business School
[Lire l'article]



  -“More science, less magic in creating products people want” 
Strategy series
By Dr Clare Gately, Professor of Entrepreneurship, EDHEC Business School. This article is based on her academic research, executive education and teaching and from the practitioners and authors in this field. [Lire l'article]



  -« Vigilance ou compliance ? - la nouvelle loi relative au devoir de vigilance : le jour d'après » LegalEDHEC
Par Christophe Roquilly, Professeur et directeur du Pôle LegalEDHEC et Björn Fasterling, Professeur de Droit, membre du Pôle LegalEDHEC, EDHEC Business School.
[Lire l'article]



  - “How reverend bayes can help you manage your portfolio?”
By Riccardo Rebonato, Professor of Finance, EDHEC-Risk Institute member, EDHEC Business School.
[Lire l'article]


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