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Donor of the Month: Lucie Rey-Grange (EDHEC 2009) Founder, Happy Maker




“As an employee in the past, my EDHEC diploma was definitely a boost when it came to recruitment; it served as a quality indicator and was a useful bonus to have on my CV. But it is only now, as I am setting up my own business, that I realise the power of our network and how lucky I was to be able to attend this school. Meeting with alumni from EDHEC is often an opportunity to talk to people with inspirational careers and to create links easily, as if we shared certain genes. As an entrepreneur, EDHEC gives you the chance to get in touch with thousands of people from all generations who are willing to help each other out and collaborate to develop new projects.
This has been invaluable support for me, and my hope is that all talented people who want to change the world can benefit from the same support without financial obstacles getting in their way. With the student grant programme for students in need of help, we give talented people the chance to express themselves professionally, while at the same time enabling our network to continue to grow with the addition of exceptional new profiles. All good reasons that made me want to contribute!"  

Lucie REY-GRANGE – EDHEC 2009 
Founder, Happy Maker

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