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Donator of the month: Isabelle Marot (GE 1995)




“At the end of the year, I decided to take part in the “88 donors for 88 notes” operation and so help to buy a beautiful Steinway & Sons piano that EDHEC acquired for the Lille campus auditorium. This is the beginning of a new cultural chapter for the campus, to the great satisfaction of the students, the alumni and EDHEC’s partners and neighbours.
I think it’s normal to want to help meet the target of 10% alumni participation in the Rising Talents campaign.
The school team’s arguments and enthusiasm regarding this wonderful project helped to convince me, as did the event organised by EDHEC Elles club, not to mention the vibrancy of our network, which shows how much the alumni are willing to help one another out.
‘88 donors for 88 notes’ is 1,300 euros for each note. You can give 260 euros a year for 5 years. I took the plunge!  All we need is 10% of the alumni making a donation, with everyone giving what he or she can afford.”

More information about Edhec Rising Talents (information in French)


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