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Discover our latest Learning Pill with Philippe Foulquier




Do you suffer from a chronic lack of training? Is your brain in need of updates? But you don’t want to commit to an intensive therapy course? EDHEC Alumni has the solution: Learning Pills, a quick and easy tool to improve your entrepreneurial and innovation skills and boost your career!

The concept
Pursue your training throughout your career with the help of experts, but without sacrificing work hours or your personal time. And it won’t cost you a penny. With Learning Pills, you decide when to expand your knowledge.philippe foulquier

Learning Pill #5 Finance
This new Learning Pills established a link to the EDHEC research by presenting you the work of Philippe Foulquier about  “Value creation and financial performance measurement” .

Philippe Foulquier is EDHEC professor, specialist of Accounting and Finance. He is Director of the EDHEC Financial Analysis and Accounting Research Centre - Academic Director of MSc Financial Management in European Apprenticeship Track

To see this Learning Pill, click here.

To discover all the Learning Pillsclick here.


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