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Cybercrime: beyond the fantasy, what are the threats for businesses?

EDHEC in the press



Bertrand Monnet, Professor at EDHEC Business School, conducts research focusing on criminal and terrorist risks that multinational companies face. His work is based on case studies made ​​from field observation and meetings with companies and players in cybercrime.

Discover a precise inventory and closer to the current situation in France as well as practical solutions to implement within your company.

Watch the video to learn more!

Useful information

JUNE, 23

Conférence : 19h-20h15
Cocktail : 20h15+

Event at EDHEC Campus Paris and visible on streaming on GoToMeeting to this link :

More information and conference registration here! 


He also recently released his documentary "Pirates threatens world trade ", broadcast on Canal +. 250 pirate attacks in 2015 ... By hitting the oil fields of the Gulf of Guinea and the maritime routes through the Indian Ocean and Asia, piracy is becoming a major threat to the global economy.

Bertrand Monnet investigated three years on this risk. Tens of movements in Nigeria and Somalia have allowed him to meet and film actors of maritime piracy : owners, local communities, but also military hackers. With a purpose : to teach students from the EDHEC Business School the reality of that risk to companies they join tomorrow. Of this work he did a 52 minutes TV documentary : Pirates , the threat on International trade.

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