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2 bourses EDHEC4All financées grâce à votre participation à l'ERV Lille et Paris !

EDHEC in the press



EDHEC Rendez-vous 2016, Paris and Lille 2 EDHEC4All scholarships funded through your participation , thank you !

Many of you attended the EDHEC Rendez-Vous in Paris and Lille: bravo for this mobilization ! For the 4th consecutive year, 50% of the contribution to this event was intended to EDHEC4All scholarship program : thanks to the participants of the EDHEC Rendez-Vous and EDHEC Alumni, we have collected almost 4 000 euros, corresponding to the funding of two scholarships to be awarded the academic year 2016/2017 .

EDHEC and the team Fundraising thank you warmly for your contribution !

Over 1,700 EDHEC4All grants have been awarded since 2010 thanks to the very active strategy of the school and the EDHEC Rising Talents campaign. And you were more than 1,300 alumni to support this program .

If this success makes you want to go further, please click on I WISH TO DONATE  )

Again, thank you all for your engagement and your good mood , and we hope you will be many more next year!




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