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Christophe Bertinotti (Global MBA, 2012) launches Rentabily, a sharing app for unused items




Christophe Bertinotti (Global MBA, 2012) launches Rentabily, an app that allows users to easily share items in a way that benefits the planet.


Can you tell us briefly about your project? How did it come about?

A few years ago, I showed up to help some friends who were moving to Paris and when the time came to put together the furniture, we realised as we stood looking at the hundreds of nails and screws lying before us that we had forgotten one essential thing: the tools! We had no hammer, no drill, no screwdriver …
We needed all those things right away but my friends were in no mood to buy the tools as a one-off.
And yet there had to be people nearby who had such tools gathering dust at the back of a cupboard.
So I came up with the idea for Rentabily, a mobile app that instantly connects people who have unused items lying around with those who need them for a single usage.

Rentabily is a solution that combats overconsumption of the items that we only use from time to time and spend 99% of the time lying idle.

Everyone can hire items as needed, make their own unused items profitable and, above all, help preserve the planet.


What drives your motivation in this adventure?

The social and environmental impact of Rentabily can be highly significant, and that’s what makes me get up every morning with unbridled energy.

Through Rentabily, I have the chance to make a real contribution towards the resolution of a key problem we face in the 21st century: protecting the environment. This is a challenge that is meaningful and drives my motivation in all my initiatives.

I am convinced that we, as citizens, have the power (and duty) with each and every action, no matter how small, to change things. We can and must change the way we do things to leave behind a healthier planet for future generations. Conveying that message on a daily basis is my primary motivation. 


How has your experience at EDHEC or with the network of graduates helped you achieve this project? 

As an entrepreneur, there can be moments of great solitude when you face many questions and doubts. However, the EDHEC network is so vast that you can always find someone willing to help out. Any time I have looked for help from a fellow alumnus, I have received an answer and people have always made themselves available to chat to me, even briefly, or put me in touch with the right people. That’s a real strength and a significant asset for any entrepreneur. 

Do you have any advice for others from EDHEC looking to become entrepreneurs?

Follow your instinct but listen to the feedback you get from others. Don’t try to achieve something perfect on the first go, otherwise you’ll never get up and running. See the big picture and make sure what you are doing is meaningful, that way it will guide you and give you sufficient energy to reach your objectives. Lastly, be resilient, that’s the key to overcoming the ups and downs of everyday life as an entrepreneur.  

What’s next? What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?

The app is available on iOS and Android.
Now the aim is to expand the community of users.
I’m really counting on the community of EDHEC students and alumni to develop the Rentabily reflex and spread the word.

The more people share items on Rentabily, the greater the impact on the environment and society.
So if you have something gathering dust or need an item, rent it

For more information, visit our website.

You can also follow us on social media

Download the app

And lastly, don’t hesitate to get in touch … feedback is a gift.

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