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Career events: follow your career workshops online




EDHEC Career Centre for life organizes career webinars that you can follow in remote (or from home in this lockdown period):


Tuesday, 21 April at 10:00 am, with Silvia Marichalar: "Careers Drop in Hours: jeunes diplômés "
(in French)

Tuesday, 28 April at 10:00 am, with Silvia Marichalar: "Careers Drop in Hours: jeunes diplômés"
(in French)

Wednesday, 29 April at 12:20 pm, with Isabelle Ruffin-Sathicq: "Trucs astucieux pour organiser votre recherche d'emploi"
In partnership with Mines Alumni
(in French)

Tuesday, 5 May at 12:30 pm, with Jonathan Sardas: "Reach your maximum potential!"
In partnership with ESCP Alumni

Wednesday, 6 May at 12:30 pm, with Jonathan Sardas: "La crise, une grande opportunité pour se connaître"
(in French)

Tuesday, 12 May at 12:30 pm, with Élisabeth Bourdin: "Comment manager des équipes virtuellement"
(in French) 

Thursday, 14 May at 12:30 pm, with Camille Guise (EDHEC Master 2004): "Comment gérer son anxiété en situation de stress"
(in French)

Tuesday, 19 May at 12:30 pm, with Jonathan Sardas: "Trouver du sens pour se réinventer"
(in French)

Thursday, 11 June at 9:00 am, with Marie-Luce Barthélémy: "Identifier et se réapproprier ses solidités"
(in French)


Whenever you want: registered webinar with Silvia Marichalar & Sarah Hurst: "Building an effective international CV"




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