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Campagne Rising Talents 2014 : le bilan




The EDHEC Group has initiated a campaign to raise €30m by the end of 2015 from graduates and corporate donors. The Rising Talents campaign is designed to raise funds for innovative projects that are a priority in the Group’s strategy. 

The history of EDHEC Business School has always been linked to simple yet powerful values: innovation, diversity, entrepreneurship and excellence. Now more than ever, these values are the cornerstone of our development. Since it was first launched in 2010, the EDHEC Rising Talents campaign has supported many different projects, such as the student grant programme, our new campuses, the incubator and the School’s international development.Before we generate fresh momentum for the 2015–2020 strategy, the EDHEC Rising Talents campaign is entering the last of its five years (2010–2015)!

> Discover the achievements of the Rising Talents campaign
> Contribute to EDHEC’s development by making a donation


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