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Alumni Refresher : go further with the digital revolution




Why not get a head start before returning to serious matters in September by participating in the Alumni Refresher on EDHEC’s Paris campus? This summer EDHEC Alumni and its Professionnal Clubs are presenting you with your very own ALUMNI REFRESHER where a selection of experts will be delivering you a range of professional tips and advice for a new and improved comeback from the holiday season.

The Alumni Refresher means:

• 2 days of customized workshops for all profiles

• An advanced program centered around this years main theme: Digital Transformation

• Half-day workshops dedicated to the development of soft skills, career management as well as essential digital hard skills

•Top-quality trainers from EDHEC Business School : leading professors and professionals recognised in their field
• Short formats on all subjects - keeping it straight to the point - which will expand your knowledge of finance, law, technology, psychology, business development... and that will give you the opportunity to take your business skills beyond business...

• All of this for an unbeatable lowcoast registration price (10€)


Select and sign up your program by clicking on the pages of the following program


Soft Skills and Finance Basics

(In French)

11.30 am - 13:00 pm : Serious game : "Leaders Take Control Of Your Finance Basics!"
By Muriel Cauvin, chargée de développement EDHEC Cycle Supérieur de Management in E-Learning & distance programs

13:00 pm - 2:00 pm : Lunch break

1.30 pm : Coffee break for networking

2 pm - 3.30 pm : "Calling For Corporate Creativity !"
By Catherine Champeyrol, Associate Director of BEAUTEMPS, consulting in operational creativity

3.30 pm - 4 pm : Networking break

4 pm - 5.30 pm :"Develop your charisma and leadership"
By Valérie Petit, Leadership Professor at EDHEC Business School (streaming from 12h00 à 12h30)

5:30 pm - 6.30 pm : Networking break

6.30 pm - 8 pm : Round-table : "Is My Company Ready for Digital Transformation?"
4 experts will tackle the 10 essential questions to succeed in the digital transformation within your company and teams


Career management & Business Development
(In French)

8 :30 am - 9 :00 am : Welcome Networking Coffee

9:00 am - 10 :30 am : "How to develop your internet exposure"
By Patrice de Broissia, Associate Director of OasYs Consultants

10 : 30 am - 11:00 am : Networking break

11:00 am - 12 :30  pm : "Your Network can help your career project"
By Christelle Caucheteux, director of EDHEC Alumni

12 : 30 pm - 1:30 pm : Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 3 pm : "LEAN START-UP:  How to make a quick and effective business launch thanks to the Web"
By Franck Debane, founder of Netelio, Entrepreuneurship mentor and speaker on innovation and Business Development

 3 pm : Closing Coffee

For all questions regarding the Alumni Refresher, please contact Erwan Rouxel at

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