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A young graduated is launching "MelloPlot", the first "Tinder" for musicians




Chanthavy Tan has music in her blood  and nurture a spirit of entrepreneurship very determined.  What's happening when these two states of mind are together ? A mobile application, MelloPlot that has been conceived to pu in contact passionate musicians on the basis of their audios recording. This yound graduated, accompanied by EYE  incubator has very recently takes the step ot her application launching and she needs your help! 

Amateur or passionate musiciens, music lover or looking for a musicien to organise an event? Try this innovative application at the crossroads of Tinder and The Voice. If you want to know more about her story of entrepreneur, read without delay this interview: 

melloplot premier tinder musicien portrait entrepreneur edhec
- Could you describe your professionnal career and academy background ?

I'm from Paris region. I joined EDHEC Business School in 2012. There, I have been involved in many associations where I was able to experiment on the fieldwork, marketing and communication. 

Then, eager to pu into practice the school teaching, I joined in January 2014 the EDHEC programm "Apprentissage Européen" de l’EDHEC and integrated the Orange Digital Marketing during 2 years. During this programm, I have been able to acquire some great skills. For example, to manage the growth in customer usage and to spread the good practices in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and  ASO (App Store Optimisation). This wonderful experience is very useful today to developp MelloPlot

Afterward, I chose to complete my competence with a major in Finance with the view of developping a entrepreneurship project.

- How did your entrepreneurial project come about?

Singer, pianist player and autodidact player of guitar and ukulele, my love of music, my group game and scene experiments as well as my marketing culture inspired me in May 2015 the idea to create  MelloPlot… Then, in December 2015, I started the aventure ! And in the same time, I joined the Alumni Ambassadors in the Entrepreneurship Club. Now, since May 2016,  you can download MelloPlot on the App Store and Google Play Store, only one year after having the idea !

What advice do you have for new entrepreneurs?

Follow the Alumni events that are aboute entrepreneurial. They happen very often and take place in Lille and Paris : There is always something to get. Furthermore, if you have an idea and that you want to test it, take contact with the  Entrepreneurship Club. You could participate to the pitch-test session in Paris : it's free and the participants are here to challenge you with consideration - the confidentiality is respected. 

- Could you tell us more about your application ?

MelloPlot has been conceived to facilitate and encourage musical practices and exchanges. This mobile application allows you to fin and listen really easily and quickly musicians from your place. The aim is to generate new artistic opportunities. 


It's very easy to use MelloPlot : nyou can see the anonymous musicians on your screen, listen to the tunes recorded, then click on "I Like" or I don't like". Two musicians that have reciprocally liked their tunes will have "a perfect musical chord" : their names, photos will be unveiled and they could contact each other.

- Has Edhec netwok been useful at a moment of your project ?

Everytime ! I was lucky to be accompanied by EYE incubator since the beginning. I also received many sensible adviced from Alumni that I met during the EDHEC events. 
By way of anecdote : during my communication plan, I wished to publish videos showing musicians on my Facebook page… And it's the talented EDHEC Alumni that have sent me my first videos! I'm so attached to the school, to its convivial and solidarty spirit that I'm involved in the Edhec Alumni community. I'm an ambassador of the Entrepreneurship Club !

- What is next for you business ?

I'm currently working on the second version of the application. I wan to improve the attractiveness of MelloPlot for the no-musicians. My aim is that everyone, musician or not, can used MelloPlot and find value… Stay tuned !

What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates (fundraising, looking for staff, partners, advice, etc.)?

Solidarity, always! During this launching period, every help from the network is welcomed, for example: E
- Like and/or share the Facebook page ;
- An encouraging comment on the App Store and Google Play Store if you like the idea;
- To spread the message to your contact (by word of mouth) musicians (amateur or professional!)
- Partnership opportunities with musician EDHEC or EDHEC that work in the musical sector  ;
- And of course, every advices from entrepreneurs having raised funds.

Find MelloPlot on social network:
facebook   twitter     


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