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EDHEC campaign Rising Talents: 20 Million Euros ... Thanks!

EDHEC in the press



Because we know the commitment of EDHEC alumni in their school, because we had big and beautiful projects, because our priorities were already excellence, educational innovation, and the international influence and promotion of diversity... we had great ambitions in 2010 for our first five years campaign, EDHEC Rising Talents. We knew that you would be likely to support us and that companies would even more join the movement .

With 1,840 individual donors and 69 partner companies, we did not deceived. THANK YOU !

Thank you because EDHEC has known thanks to donors an unprecedented development in the past five years.

We let you discover all the achievements... Discover our campaign balance here!

The adventure does not stop there ! The strategy EDHEC 2020 must accelerate our reach and reputation for innovative and committed school, useful to businesses and society, and more than ever opened to the world. Thanks to your loyalty and mobilization, EDHEC will strengthen its impact worldwide.

We are counting on you !

The fundraising team


For all contact : - tel. : 03 20 15 47 49



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