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2019 EDHEC Business School Celebration: congratulations to our students!




In a festive and heartfelt atmosphere, students accompanied by their family and friends celebrated the end of their studies, joining the extensive alumni community of EDHEC Business School.

This event was marked by several key moments:

  • Formal congratulations and encouragement from each school Director and the MSc/ Horizon Director;
  • Sociable encounters with the people who left their mark on their time as students;
  • And festive celebrations as the new graduates learned of the different facets and talents with which the EDHEC community is blessed.

A total of 3 graduation ceremonies were held on the Lille campus: BBA Lille, Master’s in Financial Economics and European Apprenticeship Track, and the Master’s in Business Management. The EDHEC International BBA graduation ceremony was held in Nice at the Acropolis.

"The graduation ceremony is a wonderful conclusion to an important chapter in your lives and opens up many doors as you move forward. You can be proud of your diploma and the education you have received, key assets as you begin to build your future. The values of innovation, having a positive impact on the world and collective commitment which we have taken great care to convey to you will also help guide you in the choices you make throughout your life,” Emmanuel Métais, Dean of EDHEC, told the young graduates in his introductory presentation.

A drinks reception was held after the traditional hat throw and group photo.

Young graduates, the EDHEC Alumni community is here to support you. Here you will find the first EDHEC Alumni services you may need! Read more


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