DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS: "Mental flexibility: how to unhook when you think you know when you don’t "

60 participants et 4 intéressés
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EDHEC Career Centre for life invite you to participate to the Alumni Summer Session webinar:

Mental flexibility: how to unhook when you think you know when you don’t 

This workshop will teach you how to beware your thoughts. Our minds can be very flexible. And they can be incredibly resistant to change

Mental flexibility allows you to:

  • Hold your thoughts lightly and consider them as thoughts not the truth
  • Keep updating your thoughts based on context and what is useful
  • Have pragmatic, flexible, increasingly complex thoughts


Increase your awareness of psychological rigidity and know the tools to increase a flexible state of mind. 


Mental flexibility is key in contexts that are ambiguous, changing and complex. What is true or working today probably won’t tomorrow.  


You will understand how mental rigidity is part of the normal functioning of a human mind. 

You will also know the 3 facets of mental rigidity: stories, rules and the most vicious kind, invisible rules (the ones that drive your behavior out of your awareness). 

For each types, you will discover simple techniques to be on the lookout and increase your mental flexibility at any time. 


A 60-minute interactive webinar conducted in English. This is part of the 4-workshop series on Soft Skills proposed by A-LIFE and BEAUTEMPS.


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Christophe Deval is co-founder of which is dedicated to the development of mental, emotional and behavior flexibility and more generally soft skills. Clinical psychologist and graduated from ESSEC business school, Christophe is also executive coach and cognitive-behavioral therapist in private practice, specialized in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). He has a 5 year as a financial auditor and 15 years of experience in human resources at KPMG (Talent Development Director). He published several books, the latest one being “Soft skills”.

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