ICC Start-up Awards 2015

101 attendees
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ICC START-UP AWARDS 2015, in partnership with EDHEC Business School


EDHEC Campus - Thursday November 26 at 6pm


The EDHEC Strategic Retail Management Club invites you to the ICC Start-Up Awards.

Selected upon their disruptiveness and unique concept, these start-ups are rewarded for their valuable contribution to the revolution of e-commerce. Join us for the execptionnal event organised by EDHEC Business School & l'Institut du Commerce connecté.


We've got limited places, register here.


18:00 : Accueil
18:30 : Pitching time for each nominee
19:30 : Networking Cocktail

EDHEC, Big Auditorium
372 Rue Verte, 59170 Croix

Connect with us on Linkedin by following the EDHEC Strategic Retail Management Club group !

Your Strategic Retail Management & Nord-Pas-de-Calais amabssadors

Rencontre professionnelle
Released on: France | Hauts-de-France (Lille), Strategic Retail Management


372 rue Verte CROIX

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