Création de Valeur et Capital Investissement (value creation and capital investment)
Authors: Mondher Cherfi and Stéphane Dubreuille
Collection: Synthex – Pearson Education
After a relatively classic presentation of evaluation methods by DCF and by comparables (chapters I and II), the book turns to the tools used in value creation (measurements, management) and associated risks (chapters III, IV and V).
The main interest of the book is the way value creation (a topic that is dealt with relatively widely) is illustrated by the specific context of capital investment. Chapters VI and VII, that deal respectively with risk capital and LBO, are especially interesting.
Its other interest lies in the many practical case studies: clear, varied, concrete (bringing different equity concepts into play, especially widespread in the capital investment sector), it provides a rapid and user-friendly overview of the concepts.
We recommend this book for anyone working in the field in any way who wishes to know more about the subject.
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