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Two entrepreneurs Master 2010 launch their new brand of cider




EDHEC Alumni: Can you tell us briefly how La Chouette came about?
Pierre-Henri Agnes : Alexandre and I (Pierre-Henri) both graduated in 2010. Back to school, we already wanted to set up our business, especially in the F&B industry.Alexandre has been living in Hong Kong for many years and he noticed that there is a big cider market there but only a very few French cider brands. As I was born in Normandy (one of the cradfles of cider making in France) and my grand-father used to craft cider, I was keen on exporting « Terroir of Normandy »!)As a first step, Alex organized a French cider tasting there to make sure local consumers would like it. We then worked several months adapting the product (we worked with our « maître de chai » on a specific recipe) and modernizing the traditionnal image of « cidre ».It took us several months to give birth to « La Chouette » (it means « The Owl ») and we officially launched it in Hong Kong last summer.We are now looking to expand our band to other countries and we are working on new recipes… 

What is your initial assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure?
PHA : There are still some opportunities for the one who aims at exporting high-quality French F&B products!

Have you ever benefited from the network of EDHEC graduates?La Chouette cidre edhec
: Yes we have sponsored EDHEC events (by providing decent cider!) in Hong Kong and Swziterland.

What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?

PHA Talk about your project to make it even better and get some support (from coachs, mentors…)

What’s next for La Chouette?
PHA : La Chouette has a foothold in Hong Kong, Singapore and Denmark. We now plan to launch it (summer 2015) in Switzerland.

What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?
PHA In the short term, find partners (importers-distributors) in countries where La Chouette is not yet available.In the long term, why not recruiting a « VIE » (young profesionnal) to launch La Chouette in a country/area.

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur La Chouette, son histoire et ses idées de cocktails :
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