One hundred participants gathered on the Executive campus of Paris for our event career: It is decided tomorrow I would change.
Men are talented. Unfortunately, we have internal barriers that prevent us from expressing our talents and dare undertake. This is the conviction of Raphael Balay, our speaker.
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Tomorrow I would change ! The summary in video
2012-09-29 00:00:00
2021-04-20 10:16:13
2012-09-29 00:00:00
EDHEC Alumni
One hundred participants gathered on the Executive campus of Paris for our event career: It is decided tomorrow I would change.
Men are talented. Unfortunately, we have internal barriers that prevent us from expressing our talents and dare undertake. This is the conviction of Raphael Balay, our speaker.
Find every step of the video conference!Download the presentation of Raphaël Balaÿ
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