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Sophie Dupuy - BleuBlancRouge




Sophie Dupuy (Klein), EDHEC Master 2001, has launched her own clothing line in Korea. With BleuBlancRouge , Seoul speaks French !

Focus on her adventure !


EDHEC Alumni: Can you explain your career in a few words and why you chose to set up your own company?

Sophie DUPUY: After 15 years working in fashion, from the luxury sector (Hermès) to the mass market (Cache-Cache), and a spell in lingerie (Chantelle), during which time my career shifted from marketing to style management, 2 years ago we had an opportunity for the family to move to Seoul, a city I knew well for its creative energy.

 Two things struck me upon arriving in South Korea:

  • moving abroad really opens your eyes when it comes to wealth and the strength of French codes
  • I became aware that the Korean market is inherently Francophile

So I wanted to build on these opportunities and create the brand BleuBlancRouge.

Finally, meeting my associate in Seoul – whose financial profile perfectly complements my own – was the real trigger that made me go for it.


EA: Can you tell us about your brand?

SD: BleuBlancRouge is a fashion brand for men and women that interprets the “French touch” using very strong visual codes:

  • central elements of the French wardrobe (like the nautical sweater and beret) with highly refined tailoring
  • reference French expressions already familiar to Koreans, representing our graphic identity
  • and of course the 3 colours of the national flag, which is the common thread in all our collections, both in terms of colour and detail (a signature flag appears on all our models).

 More generally, the project is based on the combined notion of “X French design made in Korea”, French creativity teamed up with Korean responsiveness – a great mix!


EA: How would you assess this entrepreneurial adventure?

SD: Everything has happened so quickly! The brand was created in September 2015 and has been retailing in 5 outlets in Korea since January 2016. We have been driven by the dynamism and energy of the Koreans, and impressed by how quickly one can develop a business model in Seoul … “Pali pali!”, as the Koreans say.

 So it’s still a bit early to make an assessment, and creating a brand is a long-term project, but we are already proud of the trust we have established with our partners (fabric suppliers, pattern designer, workshop, printer, retailer, etc.).

 The cultural differences have also created amusing situations that we will remember for a long time to come, like when we communicate with the seamstresses in the workshop using sign language! That said, the language barrier forces us to be highly rigorous when giving instructions such as our technical requirements.


EA: What advice do you have for students or graduates who would like to set up their own company?

SD: I would tell them to nurture their passions: if you’re going to create value, you may as well do it in an area in which you flourish!


EA: Have you ever benefited from the network of EDHEC graduates?

SD: There are a few EDHEC graduates in Seoul, but the French community here is very small, and on the whole we have been really touched by the spontaneous support they have shown us.

And 2016 is actually the year of France in Korea, which offers a good playing field for BleuBlancRouge to make itself known, and also to meet other French businesses working here.

Beyond the EDHEC community, there is great French solidarity here in Seoul!





EA: What’s next for Bleu Blanc Rouge?

SD: We are extending our range with a product line for children… watch this space!


EA: What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?

SD: Korea is a test market for us, and the ambition for BleuBlancRouge is to export the “French touch” to other countries. The international connections of the EDHEC network might be an opportunity for us to find growth prospects!



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