Thanks to a full plan, EDHEC meets the expectations of entrepreneurs, regardless of the project's progress. An adapted training program, an incubator, a network of entrepreneurs and a business angels association concur to accompany entrepreneurs in all stages of their adventures.
How does the EDHEC Young Entrepreneur incubator support the entrepreneurial initiatives of students and graduates?
The incubator provides support for EDHEC Business School students and graduates from all academic programmes. We study ideas and explore the possibility of transforming them into projects and then companies. We support and incubate projects for 3 months to 1 year and then monitor them for the first 3 years once they are set up. We operate in Lille, Paris and Nice, with hosting facilities in Lille (50 places) and Nice (30 places).
The entire service is free of charge. Support comes in the form of coaching, mentoring and advice. Each project benefits from an individual follow-up, and we adapt to the needs of each company.
Since EYE was launched in 2011, we have supported 100 start-ups, generating 500 jobs and raising €10 million in funds.
> More information about the incubator EDHEC Young Entrepreneurs
> Contact Jean-Michel Ledru
Comment l’EDHEC encourage l’entrepreneuriat auprès de ses étudiants ?
From September 2015, EDHEC students with a personal entrepreneurial project can incorporate this project in their EDHEC courses. Entrepreneurship Track is characterised by its flexibility. Students can therefore opt to join or to leave this pathway, semester by semester, in the Master in Management and/or the Master of Science.
After selection, students join the Entrepreneurship Track and the cohort of entrepreneurs in January. They follow the full programme and have specific lectures to help them to make progress with their entrepreneurial project. They are supported by an academic coach who provides them with a methodology, advice and support.
At the end of each semester, student entrepreneurs appear before the Project Validation Committee which decides whether the semester is validated or not. Depending on the circumstances, either because the semester has shown that the idea was not so good in the end or because the size of the project (financial requirements, operational requirements, etc.) shows that the student is not in a position to continue with the experience, or because the project is promising and is progressing well, the Committee decides on the continuation or not of the entrepreneurial project the following semester, in agreement with the students proposing a project.
The Entrepreneurship Track offers EDHEC students a tremendous opportunity to try a real-life entrepreneurial experience, test their ideas and develop their network while continuing with their.
> More information about the MSc Entrepreneurship
> Contact Emmanuelle Deglaire (MSc Entrepreneurship Director)
What about the Entrepreneurship track for the Global MBA ?
The Entrepreneurship Track has been planned keeping in mind the need that the community has for entrepreneurs. These creative minds open new avenues of economic growth and create jobs.
EDHEC Global MBA is #1 in Europe for Entrepreneurship MBA (QS report 2015), the 3-week entrepreneurship course ends with a formal pitch in front of a panel of Ventuare Capitals and Business Angels. Average of 17% of EDHEC Global MBA Graduates goes on to start their own business. Indeed a range of new business ideas have been generated by our Global MBA participants as a result of work undertaken during our Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship courses and the option of a Tailored Entrepreneurship Project. Start-ups can then be at EYE, the EDHEC Business School incubator.
Choosing the Entrepreneurship Track, you will spend a week in San Francisco/ The Silicon Valley where, using EDHEC's corporate connections, you will meet managers from successful new business ventures as well as start-up incubators and venture capitalist firms.

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