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Lucie Calschi (Master 2009) launch Hudson Mind : a digital agency in New-York




After several experiences in France, in India, in Switzerland and in the US, Lucie Calschi (Master 2009) joined two digital experts in order to create its own agency in New-York : Hudson Mind. An agency that may interest our numerous entrepreneurs in the Big Apple.

EDHEC Alumni : Can you tell us briefly how RHudson Mind came about?
Lucie Calschi : Hudson Mind is the result of a meeting between 3 experts : Lucie Calschi (Master 2009) - the web leaders Insider, Jean Douchet - Serial Entrepreneur and Ram Peri - Master of IT & Big Data.We all are residents of New Jersey, on the left side of the Hudson River - Jersey City is the new Brooklyn ;) - but we originally met at the heart of Lower Manhattan. We immediately shared the same vision of what is known and called here as "the tech". After having worked together during 6 months, our collaboration naturally ended up with a partnership: Hudson Mind LLC was born.Hudson Mind is a New York City digital agency which believes in user centrism and values data-driven decisions. Thanks to 15+ years of experience in IT and digital on 3 continents -  Europe, Asia and United States, we serve our clients worldwide with a strong understanding of New York digital and business challenges.  Which makes us the ideal partner for French entrepreneurs who want to expand their business in the US. 

What is your assessment of this entrepreneurial adventure? 
LC : I am still at the beginning of the path. One thing I have learned: Move fast. Fail... a lot. And sooner or later, you will succeed. Or at least you will learn a lot! Every day, I have to get things done and fight against immobilism. You should not be too detail-oriented. Anyway the environment is fast-changing and your business model will evolve. The market does not wait and you might miss business opportunities if you are a too perfectionist person. Which was pretty hard to accept at te beginning as I come from the corporate world.  

Have you ever benefited from the network of EDHEC graduates?Hudson Mind
LC: The network is very active everywhere in the world. It never ended up with an employment, however I was well advised by former Alumni all through my career

What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs?

LC The value of an idea or a project is measured according to team members who work behind. American investors have understood this and teams have now the opportunity to apply and raise money without any project or idea. My advice: find good partners and give priority to complementary skills while building your team! 

What’s next for Hudson Mind ?
LC : We believe in benefits driven by a regular and controlled organic growth. We value building a small and highly skilled team instead of facing a high turnover of less skilled employees or interns for instance. Travel addicts, we are looking for rising stars among a worldwide pool of resources and started building key partnerships with IT production centers in France, in Eastern Europe, in Tunisia and in India. 

What are your expectations from the community of EDHEC graduates?
LC Any kind of support is more than welcome: 1 Like, 1 Share, 1 Lead... We look forward to hearing from you! 

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